Friday, August 11, 2023

Cover Reveal: A Discovery: Love and Other Things by Victoria Woods


Victoria Woods has revealed the cover

for A Discovery: Love and Other Things!

Releasing September 14, 2023

Eight weeks excavating in the Egyptian desert under a world-renowned archaeologist. That's what Kitty Taha expected when she accepted the position for a third-year field internship. She certainly never thought she'd find herself literally under said archaeologist.

Dr. James Campbell is everything Kitty was not expecting in a professor: broody, moody, and hot as hell. She might have been able to excuse his mercurial ways, if only he hadn't chosen violence and berated her in front of the entire dig crew and a collection of mummified cats. With no luggage, a sprained ankle, and a suspension notice from Dr. Jerk-Face Tight-Ass, her internship is already a complete disaster, and it's only the second day!
If she wants to graduate with the rest of her class next year, Kitty needs to complete this internship as scheduled. Seeing no other option, she swallows her pride and decides it is better to play nice—but she can barely offer a bogus apology complemented by her fakest smile before James completely disarms her, leaving her confused yet very turned on.

Can they keep their chemistry a secret? Or will her discovery of love and other things derail her career before it even starts?

Preorder today on Amazon!


Meet Victoria Woods

Victoria Woods is an Bestselling Author who enjoys crafting stories filled with suspense, smart female leads, and sexy alpha-males. She lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband and human, as well as fur, children. Drinking coffee while creating stories as the infamous Seattle rain taps at her window keeps her inspired.


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