Saturday, August 12, 2023

Excerpt Reveal: Mr. Right is a Myth by Melina Drugs

 Mr. Right is a Myth
Melina Druga

Publication date: August 8th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

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Suddenly, I know what I must do.  Batting back tears, I turn toward the wall.  

I swallow, throat dry.  “I’ve realized something.  I need someone in my life who accepts me without judgement for all my good qualities and my bad ones.  I need someone I can feel comfortable with while being silly or serious or naked in bed.  I need someone to love me unconditionally.  Lars, that person isn’t you.” 

Unable to control the tears, I turn to face him.   

“What?” he says opening his eyes.  “Did you just break up with me?”

“Yeah.  I think I did.”  I sit.  “We’re not a good match.”

He sits, frowning.  “Because I want you to learn to cum while I’m fucking you?”

I don’t want to have this conversation.  I want to get dressed and get out of here.  Tonight was the final fuck.  All this debate about orgasms and how I don’t achieve them properly sapped all the enjoyment out of sex anyway.  And when I’m not enjoying sex, you know something is wrong.  Seriously, seriously wrong.

“Because you don’t accept me for me.  You’re trying to change me.  I like you a lot, but I have to put myself first.  You’re not the guy for me.  I gotta believe he’s out there somewhere.”

“Who?  Your dream man?”

He says “dream man” in the most sarcastic way possible.  My cheeks hot, I climb out of bed and gather my clothes.  

“He doesn’t have to be a dream,” I say without looking up.  “He only has to be good to me and for me.”

He jumps out of bed.  “I’ve been good to you!”

I don’t like that he raised his voice.  Did I raise my voice?   No, I stayed calm, although on the inside I feel like someone who must give a speech in front of a large crowd who will ridicule her because she hasn’t written the speech yet.

I shake my head.  “Did I say you weren’t?  But there’s a difference between being good to someone and being good for someone.” 

“Well, you’re crying as if I’ve been so terrible to you.”

“I’m crying because the relationship is over, and I’m upset about it.  I’m crying because it’s ending over something stupid.  But if you were the guy for me, none of this would be an issue.”

I start dressing.  He pulls on his underwear but otherwise remains naked.

“Well, I’ve got news for ya.  Every guy is going to be bothered by the fact you can’t cum around his dick.”

I stop, my pants halfway up my legs.  I make the decision to bring up the one thing I’ve ignored this entire time.

“Oh,” I say, pulling my pants up the rest of the way, “I thought you should know.  You have a small dick.”

Author Bio:

Rumor has it that Melina Druga came out of her mother’s womb with a pen in her hand. While we can neither confirm or deny this, you could say she was destined to become a writer.

Melina was so young when she began writing that she can’t remember exactly when the urge began. She does remember, however, her first novel – an historical fiction story about two sisters living in an Ohio canal town in the 1840s – that she wrote at age 10.

Music keeps Melina sane, and it has gotten to the point that she cannot write without it. It keeps her awake, alert, motivated and productive. Music has even inspired her fiction. And not just The Rock Star’s Wife series. The My Chemical Romance song “Mama” was the inspiration for her historical fiction novel Angel of Mercy.

Melina lives in the Midwest with her husband, daughter, black cat, books and CD collection.

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