He got back to work on the chain holding his bodice closed. ‘I’m sure I… knew how to do this properly, last time I wore this,’ he said, his voice high.
‘Here, you’ve got it…’ With halting hands, I unwound the chain from his finger and worked it through the hook on one side. ‘You’re a bit… tangled.’
Abandoning my attempt to escape my own faux-leather wardrobe malfunction, I helped him untie his bonds, gradually loosening the bodice as each hook came free. The ribbon was next and, when I’d unwound that from all of the fastenings, I peered at the hook-and-eye closing the top of the bodice.
My fingers brushed the skin of his chest, just above the blouse. The scent of him tickled my nostrils – and my belly, somehow. I made the mistake of glancing up and noticed how close he was, his gaze fixed on me.
I cleared my thick throat. ‘Do you still use Dark Temptation?’ I teased, giving him a sniff for show. I knew he didn’t. The scent of the cheap deodorant would probably allow me to literally travel back in time, I’d used it myself on so many occasions after a night out.
‘No,’ he said with an inarticulate cough. ‘Are you finished?’
‘Nearly,’ I said with a nod. Back to the task at hand. I managed the hook-and-eye and dragged the zip down, trying not to stare at his bare stomach, but wow, the ridges and hollows and that flat bit that made me think about what came next.
He shrugged out of the bodice with some difficulty because… those shoulders. The band tattooed on his forearm caught my eye and I stared at the little clench of muscle there, even though I’d sat with him when he got that first tattoo, screaming like a baby, and seen it a million times since.
It was an out-of-body experience, like he wasn’t Max, but he clearly was Max, even though I was so turned on, I was probably wasting electricity.
He whipped the cropped blouse over his head, flashing me armpits and a belly button and a normal person would have been completely turned off by that. I was obviously not normal.
‘Turn around,’ he said and I whirled without questioning him.

Author Bio:
Lilo Moore is the steamy romantic comedy pen name of travel romance author Leonie Mack. She lives among vineyards in Germany, creating fictional worlds and counting down to her next trip.
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