Friday, August 2, 2024

Book Review: Ten Minute Misconduct by S.L. Sterling

                                         For this review, I chose Ten Minute Misconduct by S.L. Sterling

I received an ARC copy of the e-book for an honest review of this book.
Here is a brief description from Goodreads:
Lorelai Anderson got under my skin years ago and I’d never been able to get her out.

When I found out she had a crush on me I turned into the biggest dick around. I did what I did to keep her away. I knew I wasn’t the man she needed, and her brother agreed.

Then I left town to play hockey which was both a blessing and a curse.

When I got signed to the Dominators and returned to Vancouver, I suppose I got what I deserved. Not only did Lorelai hate my guts, but she had a boyfriend. So, I kept my distance from her, until her friend started dating one of my teammates. I had no choice but to come around. It got worse when I got the invitation to her brother’s wedding. There was no way I could back out.

As my luck would have it Lorelai and I end up on the same flight to Hawaii and that’s when I find out she is very single. I also find out that her ex is going to be at this wedding and despite having a new girlfriend, the cheating jerk is harassing her to get back together with him. When she breaks down in tears, I do that only thing I can think of. I make a split-second decision to be her boyfriend for the wedding and get Hugo off her back. I figure it’s helping her out but for me it’s the perfect opportunity to convince her I’m not the same guy I used to be.

I want her to know I’m the man she deserves and I’m going to put everything on the line to get her to be mine.


I absolutely love this series!!!  Lorelai & Knox are like water & fire.  Oil and vinegar.  They are always at each other throats.  They do say opposites attract.  

Knox wants to make it up to Lorelai for treating her so badly, but he needs her to forgive him.  When her ex-boyfriend, Hugo, won't leave her alone, it is Knox, who helps her to get him to leave her alone.

If you want a book that gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, than this book is it!!  I can not wait for the next book!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Recommend this book? Yes! Author? Yes!
Read more from this author? Yes!

Happy Reading!
Review coming next: 

FTC Disclosure: The Publisher/Author/Book Tour Company has provided me with a copy of this book for review or I have purchased the book with my own funds.  The opinion I share about the story are mine and have not been influenced by The Publisher/Author/Book Tour Company if received for review.

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