Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Cover Reveal: Her Master by Quinn Marlowe

Whatever you do, don't miss this thrilling mafia romance cover.
Her Master by Quinn Marlowe releases October 10th!

The stunning conclusion to the Ross family series arrives October 10.

Full synopsis coming soon...


Her Master is the final book in the Dante and Dax duo of the New York Rogues: Rossi series. It cannot be read as a standalone and readers are encouraged to enjoy Her Rebellion prior to reading Her Master.

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About Quinn:

Quinn Marlowe is the bestselling author of the Rossi and Southern Heroes series and a certified California girl. After studying English and film at UCLA, she decided to pursue storytelling full time. She loves red wine, cheesecake, perfect hash browns, really good punk rock, fast cars, autumn, and cooking, but she is most likely to be found spending time with her horses, snuggling her dogs, or taking orders from her small army of cats. She is a professional eye roller with a penchant for swearing like a sailor, and some of her favorite people (her nephews) are convinced she is a spy. She makes her home in San Diego with her loving husband and her prized collections of books and lipstick, neither of which ever fail to lift her spirits when she's feeling down. 

Follow Quinn Online!

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