Saturday, August 10, 2024

Excerpt Reveal: Elements & the Fae by Jillian Beane

 Elements & the Fae
Jillian Beane
(The Elemental, #2)
Publication date: August 12th 2024
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Dirrin is gone, but who took his books? And why?

Cleaning up after the last battle and establishing the newly formed Council of Erist is hard enough, but when Dirrin’s books turn up missing and a chunk of obsidian with a strangely familiar magical signature is found, how will Suleima and her friends figure this out?

When new information about Suleima’s past comes to light, how will her dynamic with her found family change?

Rejoin Suleima and her friends as they face a new threat and discover that Dirrin may have only been the beginning.

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She screamed in frustration. 

A jet of water pierced the ward as Dynasira sank to the ground. 

Suleima scanned the forest with her senses. No one else approached. The ward shattered like glass. She could access the earth again. Vines grew quickly, winding around Sumar’s arms and legs to keep him in place, and she grabbed Dynasira beneath both arms. Using her magic to help her, she pulled Dynasira onto the beach. Dynasira was breathing again, but unconscious all the same. 

Suleima took a moment to give Dynasira a burst of healing energy. She kept a constant scan of the area surrounding her as she pulled Dynasira around the house. By the time they reached the front, Dynasira was able to stand, leaning on Suleima as they headed down the lane to the waiting truck.

As soon as Dynasira was in the truck, Suleima released the magic holding Sumar in place. She did one final scan of the area, started the engine, and pulled out as quickly as her old truck would go. 

Dynasira was silent for the first few minutes of the trip then turned to Suleima. “What the hell happened back there?”

“I’m not sure. There is something over that house. Some cloud. It’s not Sumar’s magic. Or not only his magic. I couldn’t find anyone else. But I felt Kylin’s magic with Sumar’s. That’s impossible! But I felt her magic in that obsidian. Somehow, some way, she’s still around, or at least her magic is, and someone is using it.”

“Sumar was a robot. He kept repeating himself like he was programmed to read a script.” 

“Only a few creatures can do that.” 

“But you know of some?”

“A vampire,” Suleima answered solemnly.

“Wait, what?” Dynasira looked at her as if she was crazy. “Vampires were eliminated long ago. And thank the elements for that! I cannot imagine what Dirrin would have been capable of with vampires at his side!”

“The blood vampires were eliminated almost a century ago. Energy vampires still exist. The fae created them. They feed off the energy and power of others to live. A side effect of feeding, they can cloud their prey’s mind. I didn’t realize they could control the being, but I’ve never really done much research on them because there were so few.”

Suleima’s heart was still pounding at the thought of the danger her friend had been in. “I’m eternally grateful for the spear of water you called. I couldn’t break through the ward or the spell that was choking you.” 

“I didn’t call any water spear. You know my magic doesn’t work like that. I spit water in dragon form. I can’t call it or manipulate it. Certainly not while looking human!” 

“Then who...” Suleima trailed off. “I didn’t sense anyone else.”

“I think it was you, Sul.”

Author Bio:

I have been writing since I was in high school and have finally found the courage to put some of that writing out for all to see. I have a love of all things artistic and crafty. Reading books, watching movies and listening to music makes my heart happy. I am a self-proclaimed Jack of All Trades, Master of None. I live in the mid-west with my husband, two amazing and crazy kids, and a cat who we think is part squirrel.

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